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Relationships and Parenting:

Youtube channel on relationships of co-dependency and manipulators (Ross Rosenberg)

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Youtube channel on relationships of co-dependency and manipulators (Meredith Miller)

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Gary Chapman book on how we give and expect love to be shown

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John Gottman has alot of good things to say about relationships and child-rearing

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Fatherhood changes mens brains

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men and women can share all roles

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Co-dependents Anonymous support groups

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Al-Anon family support groups

Research, Articles, Documentaries:

documentary with DR Drew about the bad situation of our family court system

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Documentary about feminism and the men's rights movement

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The world's largest domestic violence research data base, 2,657 pages, 

with summaries of 1700 peer-reviewed studies

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arcticles concerning high-conflict custody battles

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Canadian research

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A Criminal Defense Attorney's View Of The Domestic Violence Industry by Paul G.Stuckle, Esq

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Article challenging widely held misconceptions of gender roles

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Legal article on Fighting False Allegations of Domestic Abuse

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Cutting ties wth the narcissist in family court

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Cooperation or combat in divorce

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Louisiana Pages:

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Family Services New Orleans

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Loyola University Fatherhood Consortium

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Other Family Pages:

Separated Parenting Access & Resource Center

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Research, etc...

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Family law reform

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Louisiana has the one of the highest incarceration rates in the world, for the wrong reasons

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The USA has one the highest incarceration rates in the world, for the wrong reasons

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petition to reform family law

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petition for judicial accountability in all courts

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